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Biblical & National Examples of Prayer & Fasting

Updated: Jun 26

We are receiving many emails through the website. This is a message we received and I hope you find this encouraging and it causes your to do your own research. I hope you will grab your Bible and read each Biblical example. Listen to what God word says when His people humble themselves to Him and repent. I would then suggest researching the National examples given. Someone took the request of prayer, fasting and repentance to heart and did some research.

Here is the unedited message.

God is faithful! When people cry out to him - He responds. Look at this pattern of faithfulness:

Biblical examples:

Nineveh (Jonah 3): City-wide repentance and fasting; God spared them.

King David (2 Samuel 12): Fasted after sinning; God forgave him.

Ezra (Ezra 8:21-23): Fasted for safe journey; God protected them.

Daniel (Daniel 9): Fasted and prayed for his people; received divine message.

Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1): Fasted and prayed for Jerusalem; led to its rebuilding.

Esther (Esther 4): Fasted with Jews before approaching the king; saved her people.

National examples:

George Washington: As Commander-in-Chief during the Revolutionary War, Washington called for days of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. In 1775, he issued an order for "a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, humbly to supplicate the mercy of Almighty God" for the success of the American cause.

John Adams: During his presidency, Adams proclaimed national days of humiliation, fasting, and prayer. In 1798, he called for a day of "solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer," urging citizens to confess their sins and implore God's mercy and forgiveness.

James Madison: As president, Madison proclaimed days of public humiliation, fasting, and prayer during the War of 1812.

Abraham Lincoln: During the Civil War, Lincoln proclaimed three national fasts. He called the nation to prayer and fasting for national peace and unity, recognizing the need for divine intervention during the nation's most trying times.

Heavenly Father - we call to you even now! Help us to pray, fast and repent. Help us to see how desperately we need you! We thank you that you. are so faithful. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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